White Lies | DreamNotFound [COMPLE...by Comrade Mako391K10.5K16Dream and George are just vibing on minecraft with voice chat when someone interrupts George. George 'mutes' his mic but unknowingly misclicks, allowing Dream to hear ev...Completedwhatdreamnotfounddream+15 more sucidal Thoughts by Yasmine Phillips1613Im crying for helppersonalthoughtsfakesmilesuicidalthoughts+7 more LAUGH ft: jacksepticpieby foXy2623I IS DA FOONAY HOOMON HA HA HA I'm really not •-•killmememessonic+12 more Voltron Oneshotsby X17031Just a dump of headcannons I love. Enjoy.klanceyaoitotalmess+2 more