Fatal Obsession - Love, Lies, and...by Enigma Explorers
In the picturesque town of Crestwood, where secrets are buried as deep as the roots of its ancient oak trees, a web of mystery, betrayal, and redemption begins to unrave...
Vendetta Unveiled - Pursuit of Lov...by Krishna Kamal
In a world brimming with dreams, Avantika's love story with Karan takes a tragic turn as she falls into a coma.
Five years later, she awakens to a baffling question: 'Wh...
Shadows Over Green Horizonsby Daryl Murphy Jr.
"Shadows Over Green Horizons" unveils the gripping tale of Zalika Nkosi, a brilliant orphan on a quest to save a dying Earth. Set in 2057, the narrative blends...
1941: The Ninja's Princessby J.C. Tokudai
"1941: The Ninja's Princess" is an enthralling tale set amidst the backdrop of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. In a clash of cultu...