A heros cure a travelers curse a s...by ItsTraveler
In the thrilling conclusion of the Mafia Army series, "A Hero's Cure, A Traveler's Curse, A Soldier's Return," four powerful rivals find themselves entangled i...
Soldierby ItsTraveler
In this heart-pounding tale and Second Book in the Mafia Army Series,follow Nolan as he goes on the run from a powerful hybrid with wings named Daryl. With minimal power...
Nofapby Danish FunTube
Almost every male is lied about masterbation and have a really wrong view about it due to the false information prevalent on the internet , Even science is lieing about...
Travelerby ItsTraveler
In "Traveler," the third book in the Mafia Army Series, follow the gripping tale of John Hearty, once a loyal friend to Daryl, until a heart-wrenching act of b...
Talons of Epsilonby Wolvu
After being trapped in a dream that felt so real, three children have awaken to find themselves in true reality. What the dream prophesied for them and the world around...