My Hero Academia: Spider-Deku, the...by BEYTA 10
Minato Midoriya, a Quirkless boy who dislike heroes at UA because they didn't save his brother, Izuku, from the Sludge Villain incident and the Quirkless people started...
The Toxin Heroby Nope
Izuku has a quirk that is like Tokyami's, but is a symbiote. It's name is going to be Toxin because of it's green color.
Izuku venom idkby Fuck😩-this-username
Hi so this is my new story:
It's about how no one could find out why quirks happened and what caused them
Untill izuku was born
Also as the title says this is venom de...
We are oneby Hemanth116
Izuku yagi was neglected by his parents inko yagi and toshinari yagi and was bullied by his sister,bakugo twins and todoroki twins.what happens when he meets a symbiote...