The Awaken Brawler: Bakugan x Male...by Ryuu Tsukima
After the battle to save Earth, all of the Bakugan have returned to their new home on New Vestroia. While victory is a good thing it doesn't mean that bad things can now...
A girl with no nameby Ippolitas
III century B.C., Rome is consolidating its power in the Italian peninsula. A warrior society tempered with blood and steel.
III century B.C., on a cold December night a...
The Vestals by Claire
Once in Ancient Rome there lived Priestesses of Fire. They were called the Vestal Virgins, and they were pure.
Priestesses of Earth: Book 2
Virginby Froggy1988
Cassandra has been sworn to serve the goddess Vesta since she was six years old, the position affords her a unique position in society where she can interact with the hi...