"Third Time's The Charm" Wiki Entr...by HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries for my fan-made third part of the well-known story, the NES Godzilla creepypasta, along with my fan-made continuation of the official second part, Replay.
Heroes Legacy Wiki Entries (SPOILE...by HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries of Heroes Legacy characters! (DISCLAIMER: There will obviously be spoilers. I recommend you read the entire Heroes Legacy trilogy before reading this.)
Earth 121802 Encyclopaedia Charact...by Mattheus Casagrande
A collection of Wiki entries for characters in a developing Fanfiction world about the Marvel Universe. These were created by me and my dear friend Jedicarus1218. I apol...
The Faustland Compendium Wikiby HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries & additional information related to the Faustland Compendium franchise and its characters. I'd recommend you to check out the currently available books from...
The Real Wiki Entriesby HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries for my book "The Real"! (Disclaimer: To avoid spoilers, I'd advise you to read the book first.)
Eternal Fate Wiki Entriesby HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries for the Eternal Fate franchise! (Keep in mind that some of the information mentioned is not available in the books yet, and some images may be missing.)
Time Diary Wiki Entriesby HyuIchiryuuNagami
Wiki entries for my Love Nikki fanfic Time Diary!
(Please keep in mind that the images and some other contents will be taken from the Love Nikki wiki on FANDOM, as the t...