The Dimensional Dragonic Knight (G...by Rider Anime Lover
(Y/N) Williams he is known as the traveling interdimensional hero known as Dragon Knight has fought against his greatest enemy and finished him. He was going home but...
betrayed aegis userby green chicken storm
in a world lives a green haired boy named "rex" salvaging for a life but not known y most he had a past life and was the reincarnation izuku midoriya but after...
upcoming stories Or Drafts Ideasby green chicken storm
this wont be a story only where i but story ideas i plan on doing in the future but may change a bit in the future
Dimensions heroes by Summonerzilla
Kyle the summoner was learning about other worlds. He then made a portal until lancer came. As lancer and Kyle fought they look at the window to other worlds. As they se...