Monogatari/Touken Ranbu: Shintō no...by Mikokyokai
Synopsis: Waking up with no memories of her past or how she got here, Shirayuki wakes up in the outskirts of the Citadel. Where she meets a Saniwa & a group of Tōken Dan...
Promises of a bladeby Shiwasu Eng ver
I wrote this long time ago, just found it in my phone (I typed story in my phone) and decided to post it. The idea is come from the cover picture anyway (credit to artis...
New master ! touken ranbu x Oc (ma...by z
Miyuuki, adik perempuan kepada Saniwa telah dibawa ke Honmaru untuk dilatih sebagai master seterusnya kepada para toudan yang dimiliki oleh abangnya itu.
Ikuti kisah pe...
Brotherby Ageha 🌱
hasil karya mimpi buruk saya TwT
cr: DMM/Nitro+
something you wouldn't expect
pls enjoy~
touken ranbu x reader 《oneshots》by ellie (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
a collection of touken ranbu x saniwa oneshots; no other words to describe this, just sit back and fantasize about you and your favourite swords :)
*i do not own touken...