Instinct Released (Ichigo X Hichig...by WhiteSnow116
When Muramasa got Ichigo Kurosaki to come to the Soul Society, instead of getting Ichigo's Quincy Powers (fake Zangestu) he got Shiro (Hitichgo or Holl...
Bleach Art Online ( Sword Art Onli...by Katie
I am writing this story because I couldn't find any Bleach SAO Crossovers. I have also been watching SAO a lot. This is going to take place in SAO, not bleach.
Ichigo ha...
Kamen Rider Gaim x Dog Days - The...by datguyjax
After the incident of Zawame, at another part of japan, a 15 year old dancer named Y/N L/N and his acrobat Kouhai named Cinque Izumi were summoned into a another world t...