What happen when Darya mets the packs enemy daughter Adara in school . What will happen????? My dear father found this between my mother old paper he never told me about it until today .By the way my name is Darya , I'm the daughter of the blue lagoon pack Alpha that make me a werewolf so I hope I can be the first female alpha ruling alone withOUT a man by her side . I grow up homeschooled ( {if you want to skip bracket you can it's just extra info },DO NOT ask why idk [idk =I don't know ] ) . Next week is the end of summer and I will be starting High school. Finally I persuaded my dad to allow me to go to a normal human + some werewolf school. He allowed my but I have to go to a school that is an hour away for my house . That is because our enemy's the red ashes pack live 240 km away from us . So for them to get to my school it will take the 4 hours so that make me safe :) . Part of the first chapter....