In this alternate story, all of the events in Dragon Ball go the same they did in the original storyline; however, in this alternate story, Chichi conceived a child before the beginning of the Saiyan Arc. Naturally, Chichi is concerned as a mother, as she would give birth before Vegeta and Nappa arrive on Earth. When the Saiyans are defeated, Chichi enters the room with a baby, who is introduced to Gohan and Goku as Gokin (ゴキン). Of course, since Goku was dead and Gohan was kidnapped throughout the Saiyan Arc, this means that this would be a shocker to them. The entire Namek Arc happens as it does in the original storyline, and Mecha Frieza arrives, putting everyone including Gokin, in serious danger. The beginning of my alternate story will begin in the Future Trunks timeline, because I'd like to display the Mecha Frieza Battle, and how I believe it would go.
16 parts