Genre: Empathetic Historical Fiction Theme: World War Two / Family History Audience: Young Adult / Adult What makes this story special? The answer is plain and simple...nothing! It is a story that is not unique to any time or place. It is a story that has plagued history well before these events and a sorry tale that continues to prevail as we live and breathe. It is a historical compilation of the oral and written entwined with the possibility of truth. It is the story of the 'Campbell' family and their lives during World War 2. Historically it focuses on the 2/13 Battalion and 2/1 Pioneers and their journey to Tobruk and the birth of the infamous Rats of Tobruk. On an emotional level it explores how the Campbell family dealt with the loss of three sons in less than three years. It is a common story that encapsulates the history of far too many families and in its rawness it could be your family. Have the stories and characters of the story grown in their own legendary status? Has fact given way to fiction? The answer is plain and simple, "I don't know". Held together with possibilities, as the writer I am often unsure where black and white merge to become grey. 'Campbell'- Scottish in its origin, the family crest bears an image of fierce, snarling bore. However, it is not this image that brings meaning to this story but rather its Latin motto 'Ne Obliviscaris '- Never Forget. This is my 'Never Forget'
35 parts