This story is a short thriller book.This revolves primarily around a girl named Aarvi Arya who is part of women's under 19 Indian cricket team but one night she suddenly disappears at MIDNIGHT under mysterious circumstances. What happened to Aarvi? What happened at MIDNIGHT that made Aarvi missing? Was she in danger? Was it some mishap? Was it the deed of an outsider or an insider? Was there a deep foul play? This story will answer all these questions. Since all the events of that horrific MIDNIGHT are MISTY(uncertainty about the events of that night ) for all Aarvi's teammates,team staff,coaches,friends and family the story is titled as MIDNIGHT MIST . 🏆THIRD POSITION in The Shimmer Awards 2020 (Christmas special) for MYSTERY/THRILLER genre. COVER CREDIT: Graphics by Chi @ChiddyE01 Story started on 26 October 2019 Story completed on 4 June 2020 #9 in #patriotism(as on 4 june 2020)