Ryutaro, a strange orphan in a medieval town in Germany and of unknown origin, is discovered by the Police and taken care of by lawyer Akira. The poor kids' circumstances make him famous over night and all kind of people take an interest in him.... with good and bad intentions. A/N: This story is vaguely based on the true story of Kaspar Hauser (Germany, around the 1820's). You can research his story after you are done reading this fiction, to keep yourself from possible spoilers. The story is quite sad and well known in Germany and to this day unsolved. For the fiction's sake, I had to use the Japanese names for the charakters in an old German setting which feels terribly wrong but was necessary for understanding. I'm also sorry for any grammar and language mistakes because I have no beta reader. Also, I recently suck at writing anything nearly romantic which comes naturally with age and disappointment, well... But I wanted to write this so I hope you enjoy it a little bit. The Queen of Angst is back *swinging my black little flag