Kynlee Salmon is elegant, athletic, driven and a little too impulsive. She was born in a rich family in a developing. She lived free of worries until she was about 12 years old, but at that point things began to change. Someone broke in and murdered her parents and kidnapped her, they trained her into what she is today, an assassin. She did volunteering work and was learning English. Having overcome plenty of obstacles, she boomed in a weird world. But with Kynlee's sense of humor and perseverance, there's nothing to stop her from going beyond expectations. She could quickly become a true inspiration for many. But for now that's speculation; she is currently still looking for a calling, did the universe intend for her to become an assassin? Is this how she's supposed to live her life? Kynlee feels like there's more to discover in this world. Luckily she has awesome friends to support her. Faye Garcia is impolite, crafty, and witty. She was born and raised in a poor family in an average capital, she lived comfortably until she was 7 years old, at that point things took a turn for the worst. She lost her mother in the Great Power Outage of Motunuamoloupe and was becoming an outcast. While obstructed by many she had to survive in an outlandish world. But with her Wall Crawling and Poisonous Breath abilities, and boldness, she managed to go beyond expectations and survive (almost) anything. This has turned her into the woman she is today. With lessons of her past, she now works as a traveling murder investigator for hire. By doing so, she hopes to find some form of redemption and finally find peace of mind she never had. "Oh you're still alive." I reply to Agent Garcia, "Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me."
8 parts