📚COMPLETE BOOK 📚 ____________________________________________________ This is an authorized novel translation from the original author, and this translation made by fan and for fan to read only without gain any profit or commercials use Terjemahan ini sudah mendapatkan izin langsung dari penulis aslinya dan terjemahan ini di buat oleh penggemar untuk penggemar untuk di baca saja tanpa mendapatkan keuntungan apa pun dan untuk kepentingan komersial lainnya ____________________________________________________ Original author by Ratidarin / Darin Indonesia Translation by nnayy289 "Sira" upset with young man named "In" continued to follow him. Love transmitted through the eyes and behavior has been ignored for almost a year. But when the disturbing person decides to agree to withdraw, the symptoms are like something is missing, and the memories that are formed make "Sira" know that the other person has had an influence on his heart rate. Lost items, wish to get back He will do anything to get that love back.