88 parts Complete Matureļ½”āļ½”Ė ŹĆÆÉ Ėļ½”āļ½”
ā± šøš š¢šš šššš šššš šš šš¢ ššš šššššš šššš šššš ššššš, šø š ššš ššš š¢šš ššš š¢ššš ššššššš šššššššššš, š±ššššš šŗšššššš.ā°
Yoshiko plays cupid for Shinsou and his dream girl, only to lose her best friend. Feeling lonely, she finds comfort in Bakugo, the grumpy and explosive hero-in-training.
A new girl transfers to class 2-A and Bakugo clashes with her the very moment he lays his eyes on her- it's hate at first sight. Much to his annoyance, she also happens to have a lot in common with him, from his love for victory to his fiery personality and quirk. As much as he loathes her, he finds himself being pulled into her like a magnet. He didn't mean to fall for her. After all, she was just an annoying bitch with a quirk that pissed him off.
ļ½”āļ½”Ė ŹĆÆÉ Ėļ½”āļ½”
August 28, 2023: #1 in bakugouxoc
December 13, 2023: #1 in bakugoxoc
January 1, 2024: #1 in bakugokatsuki
ļ½”āļ½”Ė ŹĆÆÉ Ėļ½”āļ½”
Cross-posted on AO3
ļ½”āļ½”Ė ŹĆÆÉ Ėļ½”āļ½”
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