After his dad finds a new high-paying job in the notoriously violent city of TBD, Backspace finds himself leaving his small comfortable existence in the countryside behind and plunging headfirst into a chaotic new life. At his new high school, Backspace befriends a mysterious boy named Alt, who introduces him to his strange group of friends, such as F2, the unassuming yet genius gambling swindler, Ctrl+Alt+Z, the adorable yet deadly assassin, Ctrl+C, a (seemingly) normal man who runs a (seemingly) normal cat café, and F11, the... wait, what does she do exactly...? Backspace gets wrapped up in this new lifestyle, and gets increasingly invested in the human disaster that is Alt. As the two boys get closer, Backspace starts to realize that there is more to Alt than he could have ever imagined, and that there are countless unanswered questions surrounding him and his past. Where did he come from? How did he become friends with all these criminals? And most importantly, why are all these scary men after him? With villainous plans and budding romance on the rise, will Alt and Backspace be able to protect each other from the evils that walk the dangerous streets of TBD?
!! CONTENT WARNING!! I have decided to mark this story as mature due to strong language, mentions of prostitution, hints of grooming (nothing too in detail), suggestive humor, and references to drugs and alcohol coming in later chapters. If you are uncomfortable with these themes then I would advise against reading this, however in the currently published chapters these themes aren't present.(CC) Attrib. NonComm. NoDerivs