Akita Kurayami is a high school loner in Tokyo, Japan. He never met his father and his mother died hours after childbirth. Girls always fight over him for his looks and mysterious life though he never shows any sign of emotional attachment to anyone except his adoptive sister, Hakura Yakutia, who has somewhat of a tomboy attitude and harbors secret romantic feelings towards him. Two days after his 16th birthday day as he goes outside to smoke a cigarette before class he is attacked by a sadistic woman only to be then saved by a man who has red demonic red eyes and long black hair. Soon he tells him the secret about Akita's bloodline, and how the balance of heaven, hell and earth rely on him and his duty to marry a woman by his 18th birthday to ascend the throne of hell. In a this slightly comedic yet romantic, action packed light novel, heroes rise and fall, while a young teenager must adapt to the new world around him, accept his feelings for Hakura ,embrace his bloodline, and control his power to save the world from evil. Even if that means he must become the evil itself...
12 parts