"This story has no hero." Set in the distant future, where the government has been overthrown, and a new world power has risen, known only by the Moniker "ARK Corporation." We follow Kasper as he fights to survive in a nightmare where wrong is made right, living means dying, and survival by any means is the new law. When humans begin mutating into monstrous creatures due to leaked rogue testing, with the singular drive to "feed", Kasper finds himself one of those infected, the choice of who to trust becomes much more complicated. He learns that sometimes the monsters aren't as simple as the creatures that stalk in the night, sometimes the enemy is much more human than that. But amidst the chaos, there is one thing Kasper knows... one thing he is truly sure of... He is the worst of them all, and his mere existence means war. Choose your side, believe who you will. The Eden Projects will raise many moral dilemmas and will have the reader questioning just what is right, and where the line is drawn.
57 parts