In the vibrant streets of Harlem, New York, two childhood friends, Jay and Lyric, navigate the complexities of life in a neighborhood filled with both dreams and hardships. Jay, born into a middle-class family of lawyers, possesses a natural gift for singing that sets his soul on fire. Lyric, on the other hand, finds solace in the strokes of her paintbrush, using art as an escape from the harsh realities that surround her. While Jay's life seems relatively stable, Lyric's world is far from simple. Her mother's battle with addiction and her father's haunting memories from the Vietnam War create a tumultuous environment, leaving Lyric vulnerable to abuse and neglect. As the weight of her circumstances becomes unbearable, Lyric finds herself forced onto the unforgiving streets of Harlem. In a twist of fate, Jay, driven by an unbreakable bond and a deep-rooted love for Lyric, makes the life-altering decision to join her on the streets. Together, they embark on a journey that will test their resilience, strength, and unwavering loyalty to one another.
14 parts