It was a cold rainy night in Nazi Germany 1892.their was a nazi who ran into an intuter who had a disease and the nazi went to him and asked him for his passport.and the stanger bit him and then he got the infection and.then some other nazis took him to a holding they didnt tell anyone and the person escaped and bit every body but one girl she hid so good that no zombie could find her she began to think about how to get a gun so she could protect herself she fell asleep in her hiding place the next day she woke up she went looking for some food she found a knife on her way their she found a big stick and she found some kind of sticky suff and then she made a spear and she found the kitchen but their was a zombie in their so she snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back then she put some food into her bag and she ran as fast as she could back to her secret hiding place.then a week later she ran out of food so she went to go get more food and on her way their .