Hello..my name is Daeyeon and this is my story about my life. I was said to be a gift to the family. I had magic ever since I was 5. I was told to keep it a secret, since scientist would've used me as an test object if I didn't. There is a story about a magician, getting stabbed 529 times to see if they bleed gold anywhere and if they really rot into diamonds. (They don't). There weren't many magicians like me around and the story of magicians being tested and dying afterwards scared me, that's why I kept quiet and never told anyone much about me. I grew up liking to play basketball. It was my comfort sport. One time when I was 9 I used my manipulation powers while playing basketball to make them think I'm going left when I'm going right. While using my powers I kinda got more than normally and people saw my eyelids turn yellow and me having red eyes as they saw that they freaked out, calling me a monster ,,Monster! Monster!" after that the power disappeared taking most of my powers I had away.
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