Kaname Madoka, a young, fourteen year old girl meets another girl, named Homura Akemi. After seeing Homura in a dream, and getting mysterious warnings from her in school, she wanted to keep her distance. Together with her best friend, Sayaka, she meets another girl, a fifteen year old named Mami. Madoka later finds out that Mami is a puella magi, a magical girl, who had signed a contract with a creature called Kyubey. Madoka signs a contract with Kyubey, too, and becomes a puella magi who fights creatures known as "witches" alongside Homura and who she meets while fighting a witch with Mami. Mami seems to have known Homura since before, a bit better than Madoka did and she doesn't seem all that glad to be forced to fight alongside her because of Madoka. The three of them would soon find themselves in a very special witch's labyrinth, inhabited by Charlotte, the dessert witch, and her familiars. Charlotte seems oddly friendly, to the girls' surprise, and the three of them even start taking a liking to her. Maybe a bit too much... (WIP cover, originally written+posted on AO3 :3)