In a world where the mastery of elemental magic defines power and destiny, young Dalek Orn finds himself at the heart of an impending war. As a novice member of the Hydromaegi, a faction of magicians who command the formidable forces of water and aquatic elements, Dalek's journey begins in the aftermath of the brutal siege of his hometown, Marcenia. Forced into the conflict by the devastation he witnessed, Dalek is thrust into rigorous training to harness his nascent abilities, learning to shape water to his will and summon the might of the oceans. As the Hydromaegi advance their aggressive campaign, Dalek encounters Ka'Azi, a mysterious and skilled magician from the Spirtomaegi, a faction capable of wielding the ethereal powers of spirits. Initially, their alliance is one of necessity, a tenuous bond forged by the shared goal of survival amid the chaos of war. Despite their differences and the historical enmity between their factions, Dalek and Ka'Azi gradually discover a mutual respect and understanding. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape of shifting alliances and looming battles, their journey marked by trials that test their abilities and their trust in one another. As they delve deeper into the secrets of their powers, they uncover ancient truths about their factions and the war itself, realizing that their combined strengths may hold the key to ending the conflict.
4 parts