Synopsis: The story follows Tellius Warfield's and Sarah Lawson's renegade crew aboard the dropship Wings of Eos as they try to survive and make a living in a dystopian universe ruled by corporations from the shadows. Twelve years ago, Warfield and Lawson had become war heroes through their heroic sacrifice on Thermopoly-6. Sadly, the war they had fought was lost, and the Universal Central Government (UCG) has since then become a hollowed-out husk. The soldiers' corpses were sold off to pay for the corporations' reparations. Now, twelve years later, Sarah, now a legendary mercenary known as the Widow, was able to retrieve Tellius's brain and revive him in the cyborg body and the Lazarus-System. Reunited, they encounter other fellow mercenaries, power-hungry corporate executives, disillusioned veterans, agents of the morally corrupted UCG, and various other friends and foes as they travel the universe in search of their next paycheck. ____________________________________ *Dystopian Setting.* *Gory futuristic fights.* *No Harem but a female lead that can take on the appearance of others.* *Chaotic Romance.* ____________________________________ Chapter length: >2500 words Cover based on Adam Smasher Art by PixAI Trained LoRA from MadPax.
36 parts