In a distant corner of the universe lies the Flat Planet, a mysterious world where the strongest, smartest, and most resilient from countless species across the galaxy gather for the ultimate test-a high-stakes, intergalactic tournament. When humanity is forcefully dragged into this competition, they are pitted against physically superior alien species, each with unique abilities far beyond their own. But raw power isn't the only key to victory. Strategy, intelligence, and the human spirit will prove just as important. Our story follows Aasir and a group of other handpicked human participants-some desperate to return home, others driven by the thrill of competition-as they navigate a series of increasingly dangerous and unpredictable rounds. From intense physical matches to complex mind games, the humans are constantly tested. Along the way, they uncover the hidden dangers of the tournament: non-participating creatures native to the Flat Planet guard valuable power-ups, resources, and even their very survival. As the tournament progresses, the heroes not only face formidable alien opponents but must also contend with the planet's own hostile environment and inhabitants. With billions watching their every move from Earth, alliances will form, rivalries will grow, and the true nature of the Flat Planet Tournament will be revealed. In this cosmic battle, can humanity overcome the odds and prove that heart and intellect are as powerful as any alien strength? Or will they become yet another species lost to the galaxy's most dangerous game?
13 parts