The Paladins of Voltron live separate lives after the events with the old Galra Empire...until a small Galra resistance group starts causing violence across the universe. Many planets are being destroyed and many from those planets are turning into prisoners, but with more horror than the past. One of the Paladins, Keith Kogane, is a part of the Blade of Mamora rescue team that end up going on a mission team that lasts for a whole year, but it's been seventeen years, and many things have changed. The Galra resistance group has gotten more problematic to the point that its affecting the paladins, and this resistance group even has Keith's daughter that he had before the long mission. With the lives of the universe and of his daughter on the line, Keith and the Paladins must come together once again to fight a more advanced Galra empire. Will they be able to take down this group before it's too late, or will the Paladins, especially Keith, loose the people that they love all over again?