This story is a multiple anime AU. With Sukuna's presence growing stronger within him, Itadori Yuji faces an impossible choice: find a way to split himself from the King of Curses or risk being consumed forever. Fushiguro Megumi, determined to save his friend, they seek Satoru Gojo's help to cross into The Origin of All Darkness-a realm where cursed energy is born and where Sukuna's grip may be loosened. As they venture through the dangerous realms, the duo encounters mysterious new allies-each from strange and powerful realms-who join their quest to free Itadori from Sukuna. Along the way, they form unbreakable bonds with the most unlikely people from new and mysterious realms. Together, they face terrifying new enemies, grow stronger, and prepare for the inevitable final battle against the unleashed King of Curses. But the deeper they travel, the more they realize that splitting Sukuna from Itadori may only be the beginning of a greater war-one that will decide the fate of all realms.
4 parts