The tale unfolds post-Season 3, after the capture of V.I.L.E. and the disbandment of Team Red. Graham returned to his duties at the majestic Sydney Opera House, where fate led him to a serendipitous encounter with the enchanting Natasha Banning, a fledgling actress of breathtaking allure. Freshly arrived in Sydney, Natasha too found herself amidst the grandeur of the Opera House. Their courtship blossomed through moonlit rendezvous on their days of respite, culminating in a poignant moment on their first anniversary when Graham knelt and proposed to Natasha, who joyfully accepted. Embarking on a shared journey, they exchanged vows and began a new chapter in bustling New York City, Natasha's birthplace and hometown, where the pitter-patter of tiny feet may soon grace their newfound nest.