surprise surprise, the fifth street apartment corin bought cause it was cheap had a power outage, and she needs somewhere to go, and her only friend adjacent person with space available is her cool terminally fed up coworker ellen! she asks to stay for four nights via an excessive text message, and the two spend their long weekend together... HCs: to make this plot, like, happen, corin needed to be old enough to have a place, so corin is 19 and ellen is 20. also boosted both character's heights: corin is now 5'1 and ellen is "like six or seven inches taller". ellen is also trans now. why? i saw shark imagery and thought blahaj. ellen also has gills and a heightened sense of smell (thanks hadalogic ^^) and has gotten over her reservations with working out and now has a gym membership (works out + abs + piercings ok i had a vision). also corin and ellen's personalities in general are a little different, mostly cause i had ideas for them i really wanted to write about this is a repost of the same fanfic from ao3, just in case anyone recognizes it haha