In a small 1970s town, sixteen-year-old Bruce Yamada is tired of living up to his father's expectations of finding the "perfect girl." Instead, he finds himself drawn to Vance Hopper, the local bad boy with a criminal record and a rebellious streak. What starts as a fake relationship to spite his dad soon becomes real, forcing Bruce to confront his father's homophobia and his own desire to break free. Together, Bruce and Vance discover that sometimes the wrong choice is the only one that feels right. based on the song 18 by anarbor Main ships: brance Side ships: briffin, Rinney Ages: Bruce: 16 Vance: 17 Finney:15 Robin:15 Billy:15 Griffin:14 Warnings will be at beginning of chapter No smut they are minors plus I'm uncomfortable writing that most will happen is a kiss
4 parts