Boys Love - Romance Comedy - Paranormal Romance The original writing of this story was an alternative universal mix between JossGawin and UpPoom, I wanted a friendship and silly love story of Tong and Joe with their boyfriends that is beyond their expectations and even beyond normal human beings. I've posted it on Twitter, you can stop by my writing account @pineapple_voss if you want to read the MIX version. But here I will separate the two. I will focus on Mark-Tong's part and will rewrite MingJoe's later (if I'm not busy and not too lazy to move my fingers) even if that happens you can still read the mix version on my twitter account. Author's note: this is MarkTong's story in another univers. i suggest you read my FanFic My Golden Blood first, because these stories are connected, but if you're too lazy to read it, it doesn't matter, the essence of the story won't change. but you should just read it.