My name is Tyrune Ebonick Ixius Stryx, and I am the last of the Quartari Sorcerai, an all powerful race that has all but been wiped out. I am currently a fugitive on the run, desperately trying to protect my life and the lives of an entire planet that is slowly and inevitably marching towards its own destruction. A formidable cabal of swordsmen known as the Secret Swords has rallied against me, seeking to capitalise on my demise. They best get in line, for the Rubikron are determined to imprison me again, and I will be damned if that happens. In an age now past, the planet was hovering on the brink of annihilation by a being of boundless evil known to its disciples as The World Eater, Kravos. Its resurrection eradicated the sun, a confinement by deities no more. That all changed when a band of crusaders came together to defeat Kravos and bring back the sun. These brave warriors were later remembered as The Black Night Runners-but that was a millennium ago. If only it stayed that way. [2022 UPDATE: BNR REBOOT NOW IN QUEUE!]