A new breed of assassins. And they're called mind control assassins" Set in the urban Tokyo in the near future, the story revolves around the female protagonist, Touka Kimizuki and her twin brother, Yuuto. Both of them are just like a typical 16-year old high schooler. But they're recruited by Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA) to become a secret agent due to their ability to kill skilled assassins while they were still in the middle school. Together with their father who is the Head of Special Activities Division in PSIA and his squad, they receive a mission to ensure the safety of the last remaining researcher for Transhuman Development Project, Dr. Nobuhiko Hayama. He's their only hope to unfold the mystery behind the other researchers' deaths. Little they know that their first encounter with Dr. Hayama leads to something they least expect. And this is just the beginning. The Mind Control Assassins is the first book from Sekina Mayu's Trigger Locked series, a techno-thriller anime-inspired light novel in English. If you love anime like Ghost in The Shell, PSYCHO-PASS and Joker Game, then you'll love a series that combines all of their best traits in a captivating top-secret mission. So, read this book to discover Touka's shocking discovery during her first covert mission today!