In the shadowy world of organized crime, Porsche, a sassy omega, and Vegas, a dangerous mafia heir, share a forbidden love. Hidden away in a secluded mansion on a privat...
In the picturesque town of Crestwood, where secrets are buried as deep as the roots of its ancient oak trees, a web of mystery, betrayal, and redemption begins to unrave...
In a world where duty dictates every step, Alexandrina "Luna" Atanasiu has always followed the rules. But one impulsive act-a stolen moment in a forbidden plac...
In 'Whispers of Desire,' follow the passionate love story of Zane and Elena as they navigate the boundaries of forbidden romance. Within the walls of a mysterious mansio...
Indulge in a collection of steamy tales where passion defies convention. From the corporate world to the classroom, from Parisian nights to polyamorous entanglements, ex...
"Never Too Late" by M. Splendida
Lenora E. Leighton has always had it all-except for the chance to experience true love. Back in New York after years away, she...
In the shadows of a seemingly ordinary town lies a dark and twisted secret. "Eclipsed Desires: The Enigma of the Black Body" plunges readers into a chilling wo...
"This sincere poetry invites you to wander into a world of unsaid feelings and desires. Discover a story of love and desire that reaches beyond time and place and r...
Six months have passed since the night Ariel Faye learned the truth about her Eternal heritage and was saved from becoming an immortal blood slave by Tobias Winslow, pri...
The first book in THE ROYAL TEMPTATION triology, "Crowned in Desire"
A flare of forbidden romance is ignited by two passionate rivals in the splendor of Rajgad...
"Midnight Serenade" is a captivating and passionate romance novel set in the picturesque town of Crestwood. It tells the story of Evelyn and Alexander, two ind...
In the opulent world of high society, Gracie, a rising executive, is drawn to her enigmatic boss, Lara, whose charm and intellect captivate her heart. As their professio...
"Shared Secrets" follows the lives of two couples entangled in a web of love and temptation. When a girl falls for a boy who's already taken, they embark on a...
This is just a little poem a made while I was waiting for my family at a PowerMac store. I felt a little bored, so I thought of writing something on one of the iPads the...
Belle, a restless mermaid princess, has always longed for more than the depths of the ocean. Drawn to the dazzling beauty of Venus, a human woman she secretly admires fr...
Excelsior Springs, a tranquil haven nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant landscapes, painted a serene backdrop for Lou's adventurous spirit. With her golden locks ca...
This is a collection of poems created by a frustrated poet, created because of what is happening in my life, my loves, my anxiety, my opinions. The poems that are posted...