Inspired by the Indian film "Dilwale" (2015) and the Korean film "Smugglers" (2023), this movie centers on Han Jung-Ha (played by Lee Jung-Ha) and Jo...
Flashy Confessionby byhyjy
Han Hyo-Joo and her engineering friends, including her seatmate Jo In-Sung, share a tight bond. As Hyo-Joo and In-Sung grow closer, their friendship evolves into somethi...
Tracks of Fate || Jo In-Sung x Han...by byhyjy
Follow the heartwarming journey of Han Hyo-Joo, a talented track and field athlete, and Professor Jo In-Sung, a handsome and reserved professor of Theater and Film. Thei...
Home Sweet Heartache || Jo In-Sung...by byhyjy
Selling the house should be easy, but not when it's the battleground for two ex-lovers.
Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author'...
Unexpected Business Serendipity ||...by byhyjy
Two people find themselves at a fork in the road in the picturesque province of Jeolla-Do. After a tumultuous fallout with his family, Jo In-Sung, once a spoiled scion o...
Days Like Theseby zojiyoung
A cover story for Lee Mihyun and Kim Dooshik in Another Universe, wherein they are both doctors who are really in love both with their career and with each other.