Spice and Solaceby Quincy
"Spice and Solace" follows the intertwining lives of Shruti, Asifa, Nisha, Raj, Riyaj, and Zahir, a group of South Asian-American teenagers navigating the comp...
A Trade Into Bondage (Under Editin...by Skee A. Mens
In the era of slave trade, Nana Kwame, a young prince in Ayinda Kingdom in West Africa, sold into slavery, faced the most horrible treatment. He suffered throughout his...
WORLD'S APART by peacenwajiaku
This is a story that defies beliefs and traditions of people.
The story of two different people with different beliefs, culture, race, and even different continents, wha...
Stereotypical Racistby GOD OF CREATON
Nathan Remont was known to be the most racial person in the United Nations International School, or more commonly known as UNIS.
Now entering his 2nd year in UNIS as an...
J O Z Bby xole_jnr
Experience a whole different culture through reading!!!
African based story giving you a brief experience of the education system in Africa. The style of living in some...
Ambitions and Love warby Jenna Gold
Tracy loves him dearly and wouldn't let anything come in between them.
Her relationship with her lover is her dream and all she ever wanted.
She has to fight the world f...
All That Thorn : A Poetryby Eli Korintia
Every drops of tears will evolve into sth more beautiful,
That each pains you faced are crucial as a part of your "becoming".
Show the world ...
A po...
Forgotten legacyby Daniel Donald
I wrote a piece or rather this piece is dedicated to every little kid,Soul out there suffering from crisis and other natural disaster.. And that's being affected by the...
THE MASQUERADEby pratham_jjw
Our life is a masquerade, everywhere you look people are hiding behind their masks. It is only when some brave people come together that these masks are dropped and trut...
Say no to racism by Noble_NWG1
I would like to collaborate with other writers in different countries to write a piece about racism.