
i hate how i've basically become irrelevant on wattpad. it makes me really upset cuz i used to be so popular.


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okay another thing i have 2 rant abt, ik i said abt politics i wasnt gonna get started w lgbtq n trans shit but like now i am bc i saw an ad abt kamala harris letting transgender prisoners get surgery n how that's so terrible n my grandma was like agreeing w it so now i have 2 rant abt it bc i need 2 say it lmao. idc what they are, if they're prisoners or not. ik what they did is wrong, but EVERYONE deserves 2 have a trans surgery. if they had 2 have another 'normal' surgery, they would let that person have the surgery. but no, if it's a trans surgery, then js fuck them over? ik what it's like 2 have 2 live w a body that's not ur own. ik what it's like 2 not be allowed 2 get a trans surgery. it's fucking hell. i wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even a prisoner, it makes me feel like a prisoner in my own body. so i wouldnt wish that shit on anyone regardless of what they did 2 deserve that. anyways, that's it i got it out bye bye


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i'm sorry, i don't usually talk abt politics but like i need to rant rn what the hell is going on in the world like ppl 4 trump r like actually fuckin delusional like i can't even comprehend what the hell is going on in their heads rn like wtf they think rape is the victim's fault now? like i js heard my grandma talking otp abt abortion n she said "well maybe girls should keep their legs together" uhm how is rape n incest their fault. keep in mind trump's the one who started january 6, where 9 ppl died. 4 of which committed suicide days later from the trauma, n one who was fucking trampled n crushed to death. this delusional, immature man is the one that broke because he knows he's going to lose n posted, "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!!!" just because she endorsed kamala harris n he knows that the entire world r swifties and will do whatever the hell she says. n the ppl who fucking support israel like no offence if u do ik not everyone who does is a bad person but like i don't rlly have an opinion but i js wanna point smth out here. the ppl that support israel r also the ppl calling melanie martinez an ignorant, stupid, braindead, hypocritical lunatic who doesn't even have the capacity 2 even have a political opinion, telling innocent, uneducated people on reddit 2 unfollow her, never listen 2 her again or if u still want 2, pirate her music n never give her a penny or support her ever again js because she supports palestine. if u support israel, these r the people ur associating yourself with. so idc if u don't agree with me. i don't have really have an opinion on the israel thing, but if i had 2 choose the one i support, i would 100% not choose israel. hate me all u want, unfollow me, block me, i dont care. n if i started getting on abt trans, lgbtq, or racism i would lose my shit. so i'm not even gonna start because i'm part of that category too cuz i'm a trans male n pansexual. but anyways i'm js voicing my opinion n if u don't like it, u can fuck off. thanks, bye now !!


websites i like as a neurodivergent bc i'm weird and why i like them
          epilepsy warning for some of them
          fataltotheflesh.com - obviously helps w self harm cuz u can cut the screen and seeing the blood helps SO MUCH
          onlysuddenly.com - this helps w when i get sensory overload for some reason it's js kinda relaxing
          manualsequence.com - it's js trippy and cool asf to my autistic mind
          fillthisup.com - idk its js cool to my mind how u draw and then erase it again 
          pleasetouchme.com - ITS SO COOL
          lookingatsomething.com - no idea
          coldvoid.com - it keeps my mind occupied by trying to get rid of the whole thing
          papertoilet.com - also gives my mind smth to do getting rid of all the toilet paper
          rainymood.com - rain helps w sensory overload alot NO THUNDER.
          trashloop.com - its like a game and it's so good OMG I NEED TO FIND A PIMPLE POPPING GAME RNNNNNN I JS RANDOMLY THOUGHT THAT
          thisthatnow.com - SEVERE EPILEPSY WARNING THE FLASHING LIGHTS ALMOST MADE ME DISSOCIATE LMAO but anyways this one i js like if im understimulated the flashing's good and then when it gets too much i can js hold the screen and stop
          innerinterior.com - i like how u can keep clicking and have more lines and shapes come up idk how to explain itttt it's js cool
          remotelydistant.com - EPILEPSY WARNING anyways i like the colors hehe
          oozemove.com - another thing i like for sensory overload bc it gives my brain smth to focus on instead of the things around me plus it mesmerizes meee
          neogeocity.com - i like being able to drag the screen and try to find the end even tho there prob isnt one
          flyingfrying.com - IT'S AN EGG. NOTHING ELSE THAN THAT.
          ifeelstrange.com - shapes. and if u drag the shapes move hehe




@--Asher_Dasher-- Yeah the song for some reason is spelled "Cry Baby" and the character is just "Crybaby" I really don't know the difference ☹️


@Winnie_HQ i js read that it's cry baby for the song and album and crybaby for the actual character but idk if that's true or not