do we really think that the boys will come back 2day because i honestly don’t think so... but otherwise i can easily imagine them just being like „yo guys, albums out now! enjoy“
ah idk
Hey :) du hast mich damals gebeten, dass ich dir Bescheid sage, wenn die Fortsetzung von Tillartha - eine Schloss Einstein-Lovestory kommt und jetzt ist die (starkverspätete) Fortsetzung endlich da. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
do we really think that the boys will come back 2day because i honestly don’t think so... but otherwise i can easily imagine them just being like „yo guys, albums out now! enjoy“
ah idk
can why dont we please come back like- our fandom is slowly destroying itself i thought we wouldn’t have drama while the boys are gone but it just got worse and i’m boutta leave the fandom- we’re literally canceled on twitter