Testing, testing. This thing still working?
Hello, world! As some of you might have already heard, and as some of you were (maybe) hoping, I am here to announce that my indefinite hiatus is officially over! *pops crackers* *takes a bow* please, please, hold the applause.
I sincerely apologise for leaving so suddenly nearly a year ago. Things were extremely hectic during and after that period I needed time away from this place for various reasons. One of them being my need to focus on stuDYING for my entrance exams. Speaking of, I passed with flying colours so bright they gave me a fully funded scholarship- that's right folks! I'm going to University for free!!!! *Does a little dancy dance*
Anygays. I am officially back, and will probably start posting some poems here and there in the near future. HOWEVER. I may not be as active as I once was, please do understand. But hey, I'm back bebeeeeeh!
I see Watty has undergone a few changes in my absence, yikes... Keep me posted on anything I missed that you'd like me to know!