
This user ha been found dead in her room on Thursday May 23rd 
          	I'm sorry to everyone 


Omg! May she find eternal peace. I feel bad and I never even knew her.


@-Charlie_Spr1ng- just a week ago i realised brae was gone and now charlie T-T


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hi ezra!!! i dont seriously know wtf im doing rn,, lmao. I've left messages on gone people's mbs for the past hour. i have to pay my respects for you too. you seem like such an awesome person.
          i gtg in a bit,, so I'll make this short,, love.
          idk how u died. and i dont know you. i just,, wanna give you a visit. i hope you're in heaven. i hope you finally get the rest you deserve. and i hope ur doing awesome. you are a fking angel,, man.
          rest in peace,, bro. im gonna write you a song,, is that alright? im gonna make you a little tribute. you deserve that. and sooo much more. i really wish i knew you. 
          well,, im gonna live on for you,, man. I'll be living this life and not gonna kms for you. coz u deserved to live so much longer. you were gone to fucking soon.
          i don't know you but i miss you. i hope you're doing well. Ur such a sick person !! i can judge by all these ppl on ur mb. 
          i swear I'll be a better person,, ezra. coz by then,, maybe there'll be people I'll be able to save. probably even you,, in another life.
          i miss you even if you literally dont even know me and i dont too. RIP,, EZRA. ur memory will stay with us.


Just came back. Found out you were dead a little over a while ago. I wish there was something to stop you. You were a really cool friend, I swear it was funny every time you sent me SIX videos. I miss you, a lot. May you rest in peace. <3
          Fly high, Birdie.