@-Desertflower- Um, for a boy you could do: Cloudwhisker, Blackwater, Rippleclaw, Snowclaw.
Female: I'm better at female names, so here goes: Rivershine, Ripplesong, Ashenfall, Willowstem, Quickbreeze, Dapplefrost, Vixentail, Sunnyfeather, Heatherstone, Deersong, Nestwing, Wildsky, Snowypelt, Tawnywhisker, Maplewind, Palefern, Splashpetal, Goldenflame, Sorrelspeck, Watershine, Flamewhisper, Flowerfrost, Violetfrost, Leafshine, Silverstem. Have I overdone it? Sorry. Hopefully one of these catches your eye.