
Chapter 26 of Rain on the Mountain by @Meg__Writes does things to me,  like wth?!


Why am I like this!?! I’m to scared to tell her because I don’t want my mom to know. I might tell her if it starts to come back:|


@-Nothing-Is-Real- I have been through the same thin and am here to talk. It’s not worth hurting yourself trust me good worth so much more than this


@ -Nothing-Is-Real-  If you're scared she'll tell her maybe you can talk to some random person on social media or talk to someone who doesn't like your mom, then you have a guarantee that they won't tell her. <3


I don’t really want to tell my mom about my sh thoughts, but should I tell a teacher I trust? I go to a private Christian school and I technically could trust every teacher there, but this one I like and she would probably listen and help me. She is also young, 23, so she might get it? All I’m asking is should I tell her about trying sh after getting overwhelmed or having a panic attack?


Ok, thank you, I might be able to talk with her on Wednesday, so I might then:)


@-Nothing-Is-Real- yes girl, I think you should. we all need someone who can listen to us. I'm here if you need someone to talk too.


@-Nothing-Is-Real- I would say that it would be a good idea, if you trust her, because sh can spill really quickly into worse things, and I really like being able to talk to you. <333


Hey love, sorry I haven't been online in a while, I'm probably still gonna be pretty offline for a while because I've been feeling a lot of anxiety and stress, but I'm trying to stay afloat, I hope that you're doing okay! Love yah. <333


@-Nothing-Is-Real- I GOT MIDNIGHT SUN!!! and a hard cover new moon copy, so I can bring it places in my bag without it bending!!!


@All_Hail_Mouth_Cloud It’s alright, no worries, hope you get better soon! Love ya. <3333


Soooo, I had some thoughts today that encouraged me to find a way to SH for the first time. I have a hard time in crowded places, so I got back from a large gas station that set me off and I was close to a anxiety attack, and when I got home I started thinking of places to SH that my parents won’t see. I even considered biting my nails to make them jagged so that I can SH with them.


Thank you sm, the thoughts have stopped, but I think they may come back soon 


@-Nothing-Is-Real- oh no! I'm so sorry, I hope that you'll feel better, stay as positive as you can! Telling your parents might help if it gets really bad! SH can become an addiction. <333


Yeah, I try, but it’s hard when you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown when you’re in crowded, loud places. I had a small breakdown yesterday and it encouraged me even more, I even did try biting my nails to SH with them