Hello, everyone. It’s been a while.
I know I disappeared for a few years. I graduated high school and started college and working, so my account was no longer a priority in my life, unfortunately. Over the years I’ve shifted from the Maze Runner fandoms to supernatural, marvel, and now stranger things. I’ve still been writing, but I haven’t been uploading.
I want to thank everyone that ever read my books or engaged with me on here. You’ve all been so kind and welcoming and I love each and every one of you. At this time I’m not sure if anyone even still follows my books, since it’s been so long, but I wanted to check in and see if you would all still be interested in reading.
At this time, I’ve been working on a Steve X Eddie fan fiction that I was considering creating an AO3 account for, but I could post it here as well. Feel free to respond to this with any of your thoughts and ideas, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Again, I love you all. Thank you for everything. Mama Emma, signing off.