I’ve been on social media a lot and seeing what is happening out there.
Sometimes I wonder what world we live in, why can’t be change our ways? Accept people of ALL color, not hurt others with a different skin color. It’s sad that people have to protest or riot to send a message to say “hey we don’t like what your doing and we need to be accepted for who we are.”
I hate the fact that my parents need to give me a “talk” telling me everything you have to do when a police officer stops you. “Put your hands up, tell them where your heading, don’t reach in your pocket for anything, and deny deny deny” is that what your parents are supposed to tell you when you turn 10 years old and understand what really is going on in the world!? Because it seems like that’s what is happening.
I don’t wanna live in fear my whole life knowing that I’m a darker skin color and there may be a police officer that could shoot me at anytime and say it was an accident.
People can’t live there life in fear of walking around the block, or taking a jog around the block, or even go to a store. It sucks that you can’t live your life knowing you could possibly get shot at anytime or killed in any other way.
Protests and riots shouldn’t be starting because we need to send a message to the police officers that don’t understand that there will always be people that are a darker skin in the world. What we need is peace and justice and right now it doesn’t look like that’s happening.
r.i.p to George Floyd and all those other people that had to die from the color of their skin.