//please go roleplay on my MB/S— :”)//
          	//also I’m gonna head to bed so uh...cya guys tomorrow! sleep well! ^^//


          || You have just received a non-aesthetic message ! ||
          [/ Hm ? What’s this . A new follower ? Well , You made some regrets following a yandere \]
                                                                                                                                   Unknown is typing . . . 
          [/ What’s that ? No regrets ? Oh , we’ll see about that . . . Thank you for the follow though . It’s much appreciated . Just be sure to lock your doors and windows at night ~ ! \]


''Taeko-chan''  the dark haired girl approached the other with a soft blush ''would you like to uh-'' she cleared her throat ''hang out after school?'' the girl tilted her head slightly.


            ''How about the cafe?'' she suggested with a small smile ''i'll pay'' she added.


            Taeko turned around, facing Ayano. She heard what she said and then smiled softly. “Ah, sure! Where do you wanna go, Ayano-chan?”