
*Le sigh* I'm making a new book, so Boston's Side might not get updated for a while. I mean, it's not like I update it much anyway XD


Hey it's been a while just checkin in seein what's up (*☻-☻*)


Heeey I worked at my local Christian Camp too! I counselled the 10-11 group and today (literally in about an hour) I'm going to go be a camper at the same camp!


well not much i worked as staff at my church camp and got beat up by 6 year olds and even though I have puberty I can still sing like Luke from For King and Country


Not much exciting :P But what about you, how's summer going?


Are you announcing the winners soon, sorry, i dont to put you under any pressure, just asking :)


Well then my wattpad is f*cked! I clicked on your artbook and the last chapter was the frigged up finger one (lol)! What the hell im not getting your updates! 


 Lol I already announced the winners in my art book, you got 3rd! :D