Guys I just accidentally brought my TV remote with me to my dorm’s bathroom on accident lmao
at least we all have our own cubbies I can leave it in while I shower
Disregard any notification you may have gotten for me publishing a new book. Wattpad took it down a few months ago and the appeal form finally worked and it just got restored as a draft so I’m republishing!
I heard a rumor of that being possible.
I'm glad he dropped out. His health is more important than him being president anyway. I'd rather he be where he can relax without the stress of being president while having dementia/ cognitive declines.
It wasn't very fun watching him even attempt this presidential election when he's in that condition.
@-Vannah- Oh, well, hope someone good we can all trust becomes president (not Trump, I don't like Trump, if anyone who reads this comment likes Trump, and wants him to be president, I won't judge you, just pls don't start a fight with me about this)