
Thank you all for 100 followers! It means a lot! :D I started this profile just for fun, my first followers was a friend, and I doubt she read any of my stories, I think she was just being nice. Next thing I knew I was getting reads and votes on my stories, and then eventually follows! Thanks for sticking with me through all of this! An update on Sweet Dreams, I've been working on the next few chapters, they should be published soon, I just want to make sure everything runs smoothly. School starts on August 31st, so you all know what that means :/ It'll be hard to update with homework and clubs, however, I have like no life so I'll definitely find the time XD Good luck guys, and have a killer day!


No know what I just realized!?!? Sweet dreams is on chapter 20... You know what that means? It means it's almost over. Dx 


I actually don't need to worry you never publish 


Senpai did u check it?


I think it was my bio but.... I just changed it again so idk now.


I actually don't remember


I was wondering if you could do BEN Drowned story or Eyeless Jack?? If you want to it was just a suggestion....


@alizeyah_ Actually, that was the plan :) Whenever I finished my JTK book, or maybe even before, I'm going to start writing an Eyeless Jack story, and whenever I can I'll try and write a BEN one


Thank you all for 100 followers! It means a lot! :D I started this profile just for fun, my first followers was a friend, and I doubt she read any of my stories, I think she was just being nice. Next thing I knew I was getting reads and votes on my stories, and then eventually follows! Thanks for sticking with me through all of this! An update on Sweet Dreams, I've been working on the next few chapters, they should be published soon, I just want to make sure everything runs smoothly. School starts on August 31st, so you all know what that means :/ It'll be hard to update with homework and clubs, however, I have like no life so I'll definitely find the time XD Good luck guys, and have a killer day!


Okay, here's an update :D So, after speculating over several different creepypastas my next book would be about, and writing like a thousand drafts, I finally picked one that I think I will be comfortable with, until I eventually get stuck in the story line XD And it is Jeff! Believe it or not, that was actually the most requested one so far. It's called Sweet Dreams, and some of you might notice that it is a remake of one of my earlier books which I deleted. I felt it wasn't very detailed and rushed through to fast (I tend to do that A LOT) so I'm trying to make it better. Make sure to check it out, and have a killer day!!


So, I'm going to publish a new book soon. Idk if it will be a BEN Drowned, Homicidal Liu, or Eyeless Jack romance, but it will be one. Sorry, but it will probably be awhile, because I just got a whole bunch of Legend of Zelda (Jordyn and Emily, ya nah it's mah fav gaming series eva!) games and I've been really distracted with them, like seriously, EXTREMELY distracted. But it's just a phase, so I will probably be out and about writing in... maybe... a few.... weeks? I'll try my best though to concentrate and publish a story soon!!! :)